1. How does self-esteem affect the way you behave? (1 point)

With low self-esteem you are generally a very positive person and like being around others.
With low self-esteem you feel proud of your accomplishments and strive to do better.
With high self-esteem you may say “I can’t believe I didn’t win that race, I’m so mad at myself for not being the best.”
With high self-esteem you may say, “I can’t believe I didn’t get an ‘A’ on that exam. I did my best though. Now I know I have to study more next time.”

With low self-esteem, individuals may be more fearful of failure and less likely to take risks or try new things. They may also be more prone to negative self-talk and self-criticism. On the other hand, individuals with high self-esteem tend to have a more positive outlook, are more likely to take on challenges, and are more resilient in the face of setbacks. They are also more likely to engage in positive self-reflection and strive for personal improvement.

The statement "With low self-esteem you are generally a very positive person and like being around others" is incorrect. Low self-esteem often leads to negative self-perception and difficulties in social interactions.

The statement "With low self-esteem you feel proud of your accomplishments and strive to do better" is also incorrect. Low self-esteem often hinders the ability to recognize and appreciate one's accomplishments, and may diminish motivation to improve.

The statement "With high self-esteem you may say 'I can’t believe I didn’t win that race, I’m so mad at myself for not being the best'" is correct. Individuals with high self-esteem may experience frustration or disappointment when they don't meet their own high standards.

The statement "With high self-esteem you may say 'I can’t believe I didn’t get an ‘A’ on that exam. I did my best though. Now I know I have to study more next time'" is also correct. People with high self-esteem tend to respond to setbacks or failures with self-compassion, acknowledging their effort and seeking ways to improve in the future.

Self-esteem refers to how we perceive and value ourselves, which in turn affects our behavior. Here's how self-esteem can influence the way we behave:

1. Low self-esteem: When you have low self-esteem, you generally have a negative perception of yourself. This can lead to seeking validation from others and trying to please them. You may exhibit behaviors such as trying to gain acceptance, constantly seeking reassurance, and avoiding situations where you might face criticism or failure.

Example: With low self-esteem, you may feel the need to be positive and likeable around others to gain their approval and acceptance.

2. High self-esteem: On the other hand, having high self-esteem means you have a positive perception of yourself. With high self-esteem, you are more confident in your abilities and tend to value your own opinions and beliefs. This confidence helps you handle failures and setbacks in a more constructive and resilient manner.

Example: With high self-esteem, you might react to a race loss by acknowledging your disappointment, but also maintaining a positive outlook and using it as motivation to improve for the future.

In both cases, self-esteem influences the way we interpret and respond to situations. Ultimately, self-esteem impacts our self-confidence, motivation, and resilience, all of which play a significant role in our behaviors.