What did Julius Caesar do during the time he was in control? Please select two correct answers.(1 point)


He helped the poor.
He helped the poor.

He kept Rome out of wars.
He kept Rome out of wars.

He defeated Mark Antony and Cleopatra.
He defeated Mark Antony and Cleopatra.

He set up a democratic government.
He set up a democratic government.

He created jobs building bridges and road

He helped the poor.

He kept Rome out of wars.

Which of these powers did the Roman senate hold?(1 point)


Enforce the laws.
Enforce the laws.

Led the Armies.
Led the Armies.

Elected Magistrates
Elected Magistrates

Controlled Foreign Policy.

Enforce the laws.

Which of the following measures best demonstrates the Romans' fear of officials gaining too much powers?(1 point)


limits on time in office
limits on time in office

use of togas
use of togas

division of patricians and plebians
division of patricians and plebians

tradition of the Race of Honors

limits on time in office

Evaluate the difference between the experience of Roman woman and Greek women. Provide some insight into how Roman women were treated differently than Greek women. Your essay must contain at least 2 complete sentences in which you explain your answer.(4 points)

The experience of Roman women differed from that of Greek women in several ways. Firstly, Roman women had more legal rights and freedoms compared to Greek women. Roman women were allowed to own and inherit property, engage in business transactions, and even participate in legal proceedings. On the other hand, Greek women had limited legal rights and were primarily confined to their homes, with their main role being to manage the household.

Secondly, Roman women had more social and educational opportunities compared to Greek women. Roman society valued education for both boys and girls, and some women from wealthy families received an education and engaged in intellectual pursuits. In contrast, Greek women had limited access to education and were largely expected to focus on domestic duties and child-rearing.

Overall, while both societies were patriarchal and restricted women's rights in various ways, Roman women had more legal and social autonomy compared to their Greek counterparts.

can u makeit it smaller

Roman women had more legal rights and freedoms compared to Greek women. They were allowed to own and inherit property, engage in business transactions, and participate in legal proceedings. Additionally, Roman women had more access to education and social opportunities, while Greek women were primarily confined to their homes and domestic duties.

At the end of the Roman republic era, Rome transitioned into a state that was controlled by the authority of one individual. Formulate some of the major reasons you believe this transition took place.(4 points)