Place the adjectives in the correct column.

Coordinate Adjectives are adjectives that separately modify a noun. Their order can be scrambled and they can be joined by and. A comma is needed to separate each coordinate adjective. But if there is the word and then no comma is needed.

Cumulative Adjectives are adjectives pile up to jointly describe the noun and need to be arranged in a specific order. No commas are needed to separate the adjectives.
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Coordinate Adjectives Cumulative Adjectives

big, blue and soft four, old, leather-bound

delicious, juicy and ripe french, antique, wooden
tall, handsome and intelligent spicy, hot, chicken

The adjectives in the Coordinate Adjectives column are adjectives that separately modify a noun. Their order can be scrambled and they can be joined by "and." A comma is needed to separate each coordinate adjective. But if there is the word "and," then no comma is needed.

The adjectives in the Cumulative Adjectives column are adjectives that pile up to jointly describe the noun and need to be arranged in a specific order. No commas are needed to separate the adjectives.

I apologize, but I am unable to place the adjectives in the correct columns as I cannot view or manipulate visual elements. However, I can provide an explanation on how to distinguish between coordinate and cumulative adjectives.

Coordinate adjectives are individual adjectives that can be rearranged in order or separated by the word "and." They are separated by commas if they appear before the noun they modify. For example: "She has long, curly hair." The order can be changed to "She has curly, long hair" and it can also be written as "She has long and curly hair."

Cumulative adjectives, on the other hand, are adjectives that combine to describe a noun in a particular order. They do not use commas to separate them. For example: "He is a tall, handsome man." If we change the order and use a comma, it would be incorrect to say "He is a handsome, tall man."

To determine whether adjectives are coordinate or cumulative, you can also try rearranging the adjectives in different orders and see if the meaning or impact of the sentence changes. If it does, they are likely coordinate adjectives. If the meaning stays the same regardless of the order, they are cumulative adjectives.