1. Which option must be placed between coordinate adjectives?(1 point)

To determine which option must be placed between coordinate adjectives, let's understand what coordinate adjectives are. Coordinate adjectives are two or more adjectives that independently modify the same noun. In other words, they are multiple descriptive words that can be used interchangeably or in any order.

To determine the correct order of coordinate adjectives, we can use the following test: try switching the order of the adjectives, and if the sentence still makes sense, then a comma must be placed between them. If the sentence does not make sense after switching the order, then no comma is required.

For example:

1. "She bought a beautiful, red dress." -> The adjectives "beautiful" and "red" are coordinate adjectives that independently modify the noun "dress." If we switch the order, it becomes "She bought a red, beautiful dress," which still makes sense. Therefore, a comma is placed between the two adjectives.

2. "He is a smart intelligent student." -> The adjectives "smart" and "intelligent" are coordinate adjectives that independently modify the noun "student." If we switch the order, it becomes "He is an intelligent smart student," which does not make sense. Therefore, no comma is required between the two adjectives.

Based on this test, the option that must be placed between coordinate adjectives is a comma.

The option that must be placed between coordinate adjectives is the conjunction "and."

A: A fun-loving, goofy clown bot