which is an example of informal language

getting into
being interested in
finding out discovery

getting into

The example of informal language would be "getting into."

The example of informal language among the options you provided is "getting into."

To determine this, we can analyze the language used in each option:

1. "Getting into" - This phrase is commonly used in informal speech and is a more casual way of expressing "becoming involved or interested in something."

2. "Being interested in" - This phrase uses more formal language to express a person's curiosity or attraction towards something.

3. "Finding out discovery" - This option seems to be a combination of two phrases ("finding out" and "discovery"). While "finding out" can be used in both informal and formal contexts to mean "learning or discovering," combining it with "discovery" creates redundancy in meaning.

By comparing the language and style of each option, we can conclude that "getting into" is the example of informal language.