What is a rule to follow when writing a letter to a supervisor?(1 point)


Use informal language.
Use informal language.

Send it without editing it.
Send it without editing it.

Go off topic.
Go off topic.

Avoid unusual fonts.

Avoid unusual fonts.

Avoid unusual fonts.

The correct answer is: Avoid unusual fonts.

When writing a letter to a supervisor, it is important to maintain a professional and respectful tone. Using unusual fonts may distract from the content of your letter and create a negative impression. To answer this question, you should prioritize professionalism and choose an option that aligns with that principle.

If you are uncertain about the answer to this question, you can consider the other options and eliminate them based on logic. Using informal language is not suitable for a letter to a supervisor, as it may come across as unprofessional. Sending a letter without editing it is also not advisable, as it may contain errors or inconsistencies that could reflect poorly on you. Going off topic would also be inappropriate, as it deviates from the purpose of the letter and may confuse or frustrate the recipient. Therefore, the most appropriate rule to follow when writing a letter to a supervisor is to avoid unusual fonts.