Files are scavengers intend to break down dead organisms. Based on this information, what is a plant characteristic that would best attract flies.

Flowers that are light colored
Flowers that are brightly colored
Flowers that emits a sweet odor
Flowers that emits a rotten odor


Flowers that emit a rotten odor would best attract flies.

Flowers that emit a rotten odor would best attract flies. Flies are attracted to the smell of decaying matter, so plants that emit a rotten odor could attract flies which could help with pollination and successful plant reproduction.

To determine the plant characteristic that would best attract flies, we need to consider the role of flies as scavengers that break down dead organisms. Flies are attracted to decaying matter, so the plant characteristic that would best attract flies would be one that resembles rotting organisms. Therefore, the correct answer is "Flowers that emit a rotten odor." Flies are typically attracted to the foul-smelling odor of decaying matter, as it indicates a potential food source for them.