if i date a guy break up with him and he moves on quickly then breaks up with her then comes back to me and i accept him then he tells me about all the things he did with her what do i do?

Dealing with situations like this can be challenging, but ultimately, it's up to you to decide how you want to handle it. Here are a few possible courses of action:

1. Communicate your feelings: Let him know that hearing about his experiences with the other person makes you uncomfortable or hurt. Open and honest communication is often crucial in relationships.

2. Set boundaries: If you feel uncomfortable listening to the details about his time with the other person, establish boundaries and ask him not to discuss it. Let him know that moving forward, you prefer to focus on your relationship rather than dwell on the past.

3. Assess your feelings: Consider whether this situation has changed your perception of the relationship or affected your trust. If you find that you're unable to move past the information, it may be worth reevaluating whether this relationship is right for you.

4. Seek support: Talk things through with a close friend or family member who can provide an outside perspective and offer support. Sometimes, seeking input from others can help you gain clarity.

Remember, it's important to prioritize your own emotional well-being and make decisions that align with your values and what you want from a relationship.

Dealing with complex emotional situations can be challenging, but here are some steps you can consider in handling the situation:

1. Reflect on your feelings: Take some time to understand how you feel about the situation. Are you comfortable with your partner sharing their experiences with their ex? Are you feeling hurt, betrayed, or uneasy? Recognize your emotions before making any decisions.

2. Communicate openly: It's important to have an honest and calm conversation with your partner. Express your feelings and concerns regarding their actions. Share your discomfort and set boundaries about what you are comfortable discussing in your relationship.

3. Assess his response: Pay attention to how your partner responds to your concerns. Is he empathetic, respectful, and willing to understand and address the situation? His response can provide insights into his commitment and respect for your feelings.

4. Reassess your relationship: Evaluate whether this pattern of behavior aligns with your needs and values in a relationship. Consider if you feel valued, respected, and supported overall. Take into account the previous breakup and the impact it may have had on your relationship dynamics.

5. Seek support if needed: If you find it challenging to navigate these emotions alone, consider talking to a trusted friend, family member, or therapist. Their outside perspective and guidance can be valuable in helping you navigate this situation.

6. Trust your instincts: Ultimately, it's important to trust yourself and your instincts. Pay attention to your gut feelings and ensure you prioritize your emotional well-being. If you're consistently feeling uneasy or disrespected in the relationship, it may be worth reevaluating the situation and considering whether it's the right choice for you.

Remember, relationships involve open communication, trust, mutual respect, and shared values.

When facing complicated relationship situations, it's essential to prioritize your own well-being and emotions. Here are a few steps you can consider taking in this scenario:

1. Reflect on your feelings: Take some time to understand your own emotions and how you feel about his actions. Are you hurt, offended, or betrayed? Acknowledge your feelings, as this clarity will help guide your decisions.

2. Communicate openly: Have an honest and open conversation with your partner about what happened during the time you were apart. Share how you feel about him telling you about his experiences with the other person. Make sure to express your boundaries, expectations, and concerns clearly.

3. Evaluate trust: Consider if you can trust your partner after these events. Trust is a vital foundation for any healthy relationship, so it is essential to assess if his actions have affected your ability to trust him fully.

4. Assess compatibility: Evaluate if your values, expectations, and relationship goals are aligned. Understanding your compatibility with your partner is crucial for making decisions about the future of your relationship.

5. Seek support: Reach out to friends, family, or even a therapist to discuss your experiences and gain outside perspective. Having a support system can provide guidance and emotional support during challenging times.

Ultimately, the decision on whether to continue the relationship or not is entirely up to you. It's important to listen to your intuition and make choices that prioritize your emotional well-being.