How can you tell if a guy likes you?

I met this guy at a party, we met up for a date one time, and it was really great. But then he kind of disappeared. We keep running into each other at parties, but then it doesn't materialize into another date. Sometimes when we talk though I feel like he likes me, or am I just overthinking this?

If he likes you, he will make it clear, and he will ask you out.

Thanks. Yes, I finally asked him what he thinks about me over text, and he says he just sees me as a friend and I do not believe him. My other friend told me that he was on what appeared to be a 'date' with a female friend (not holding hands) last week at another event.

When I asked him about this person, he said he had been seeing her for a month or so. Then I was relieved, like okay, great. Now I know why he disappeared. I said I was happy for him.

Maybe he likes you or doesn't like you, but it is clear it is not enough to date you. Maybe he doesn't want to be awkward when he sees you around so is generally 'nice.'

He will reach out to you and try to get to know you better. He will pay attention to details, things you like or say. He will also be honest and let you know how he feels. He does not have to hide himself, or act a certain way to get a response from you. It will feel natural.

Determining whether a guy likes you can sometimes be challenging, especially when their actions are contradictory or mixed signals are involved. However, there are a few signs that can help provide insight into his feelings. Keep in mind that everyone is different, and these signs are not foolproof, but they can give you a general idea. Here are a few things to consider:

1. Consistent communication: If he shows consistent interest by reaching out to you, initiating conversations, or making plans, it might indicate that he is interested.

2. Active engagement: When you interact, observe if he actively engages with you, maintaining good eye contact, asking questions, and showing genuine interest in what you have to say. This suggests he is invested in getting to know you better.

3. Body language: Pay attention to his body language when you are together. Signs like leaning in, facing you with his whole body, mirroring your gestures, or finding excuses to touch you subtly (such as brushing against your arm) can indicate attraction.

4. Making time for you: If he makes an effort to spend time with you, even in the form of casual meet-ups or running into each other at parties, it may be a positive sign. However, consistency is key, as sporadic interactions might imply less interest.

5. Mixed signals: Sometimes, individuals send mixed signals unintentionally or due to uncertainty. If he acts interested during conversations but doesn't initiate further plans, it might be a sign of uncertainty or conflicting feelings.

Remember to trust your instincts and observe his behavior over time. If you're unsure about his feelings, it's always best to have an open and honest conversation to clarify each other's expectations and intentions.