Which of the following charts best compares the goals of “big stick” diplomacy and dollar

diplomacy?(1 point)
“Big Stick” Diplomacy Dollar Diplomacy
End conflict with
Establish financial
Reduced use of
military intervention
Expand U.S.
economic interests
End conflict by paying
off aggressors
Establish U.S. military
Reinforce U.S. control
over Latin America
“Big Stick” Diplomacy Dollar Diplomacy
End conflict peacefully
Establish U.S. military
Reinforce U.S. control
over Latin America
End conflict
Reduce use of
military intervention
Establish financial
Expand U.S.
economic interests

The first chart best compares the goals of "big stick" diplomacy and dollar diplomacy.

“Big Stick” Diplomacy:
- End conflict with military
- Reduced use of military intervention
- Establish U.S. military power
- Reinforce U.S. control over Latin America

Dollar Diplomacy:
- Establish financial stability
- Expand U.S. economic interests
- End conflict by paying off aggressors

To compare the goals of "big stick" diplomacy and dollar diplomacy, we can look at the key objectives mentioned in the chart and analyze which goals are aligned with each type of diplomacy.

In "big stick" diplomacy, the main goals are to end conflict with military intervention, establish U.S. military power, and reinforce U.S. control over Latin America. On the other hand, dollar diplomacy aims to end conflict peacefully, reduce the use of military intervention, establish financial stability, and expand U.S. economic interests.

Comparing these goals, we can see that "big stick" diplomacy focuses more on using military force to resolve conflicts and maintain control, while dollar diplomacy places a greater emphasis on diplomatic negotiation, economic development, and stability.

Therefore, based on this comparison, the chart that best represents the goals of these two types of diplomacy is:

"Big Stick" Diplomacy
- End conflict with military intervention
- Establish U.S. military power
- Reinforce U.S. control over Latin America

Dollar Diplomacy
- End conflict peacefully
- Reduce use of military intervention
- Establish financial stability
- Expand U.S. economic interests

The first chart best compares the goals of “big stick” diplomacy and dollar diplomacy.

“Big Stick” Diplomacy:
- End conflict with military
- Reduced use of military intervention
- Establish U.S. military power
- Reinforce U.S. control over Latin America

Dollar Diplomacy:
- Establish financial stability
- Expand U.S. economic interests
- End conflict by paying off aggressors.