How did the commercialization of agriculture affect India's economy? (1 point)

• Healthcare and education were underdeveloped.
• It led to artisans becoming unemployed
• It increased famines.
• It widened income inequality.

• It widened income inequality.

The commercialization of agriculture in India had several effects on the country's economy:

1. Healthcare and education were underdeveloped: With the focus shifting towards commercial agriculture, investment in public services like healthcare and education suffered. Resources that could have been allocated to improve these sectors were channeled into agriculture, leading to a lack of development in healthcare and education.

2. Artisans becoming unemployed: Commercial agriculture favored large-scale production and mechanization, causing a decline in smaller-scale industries and traditional artisanal practices. Many artisans lost their livelihoods as they were unable to compete with the mass-produced goods of commercial agriculture.

3. Increased famines: The commercialization of agriculture often led to the production of cash crops for export, rather than essential food crops for local consumption. This shift left many farmers vulnerable to crop failure or fluctuations in market prices, increasing the risk of famines and food shortages.

4. Widened income inequality: The concentration of land and resources in the hands of a few wealthy farmers or agricultural corporations resulted in income inequality. The gap between the rich and poor widened as smaller farmers struggled to compete and access the benefits of commercial agriculture, leading to a more unequal distribution of wealth in the country.

To determine how the commercialization of agriculture affected India's economy, we can analyze each of the given options and see which one aligns with the consequences of commercialization.

1. Healthcare and education were underdeveloped: While commercialization may have had an impact on the healthcare and education sectors, it might not be directly related to the commercialization of agriculture. Therefore, this option may not be the correct answer.

2. It led to artisans becoming unemployed: Commercialization in agriculture may have resulted in a shift from traditional handicrafts to mechanized farming, causing some artisans to lose their livelihoods. This option aligns with the consequences of commercialization and is a valid point to consider.

3. It increased famines: Commercialization, by increasing agricultural productivity, usually leads to more food production and hence, should not result in an increase in famines. Therefore, this option may not be the correct answer.

4. It widened income inequality: Commercialization might lead to the concentration of resources and wealth in the hands of a few, resulting in income inequality. This option aligns with the consequences of commercialization and is a valid point to consider.

Considering the above analysis, it seems that the correct answer is, "It led to artisans becoming unemployed" and "It widened income inequality."