Flies are scavengers and tend to break down dead organisms. Based on this information, what is a plant characteristic that would best attract flies?

flowers that emit a rotten odor
flowers that emit a sweet odor
flowers that are light colored
flowers that are brightly colored

flowers that emit a rotten odor

Which of the following describes fertilization?

the changes that occur in organisms over time
the process of pollen moving from place to place
when a sperm cell and egg cell come together
when an animal is attracted to a flower

When a sperm cell and egg cell come together

Based on the fact that flies are scavengers and are attracted to dead organisms, a plant characteristic that would best attract flies would be flowers that emit a rotten odor. The foul smell would mimic the scent of decaying matter and would likely attract flies to the plant.

To determine the plant characteristic that would best attract flies, let's think about the natural role of flies as scavengers. Flies are attracted to decomposing organic matter and often play a key role in breaking down dead organisms. Therefore, a plant characteristic that would attract flies would be associated with the presence of decomposing matter.

Of the options provided, flowers that emit a rotten odor would be the most likely characteristic to attract flies. The smell of rotting or decaying matter mimics the scent that flies associate with their food source. By emitting a rotten odor, the plant is essentially giving off a signal to flies that there may be decomposing organic material nearby.

While flowers that emit a sweet odor might attract other pollinators like bees or butterflies, flies are generally not drawn to sweet scents. Similarly, light-colored or brightly colored flowers are typically attractive to insects that rely on visual cues for pollination, such as bees, rather than flies.

Therefore, out of the options provided, flowers that emit a rotten odor would be the plant characteristic that would best attract flies.