The purpose of a Code of Conduct is to...

govern our behaviours and practices  

govern our decision-making  

govern our values and principles  

govern our private/public relationships  

promote ethical behavior and ensure a safe and inclusive environment for all individuals involved.

The purpose of a Code of Conduct is to govern our behaviors and practices, govern our decision-making, govern our values and principles, and govern our private/public relationships. It provides guidelines and expectations for individuals within an organization to ensure ethical and responsible behavior.

The purpose of a Code of Conduct is to govern our behaviours and practices, govern our decision-making, govern our values and principles, and govern our private/public relationships. A Code of Conduct is a set of rules or guidelines that outlines the expected behavior for individuals within a specific organization or community. It serves as a framework for proper conduct and helps establish a shared understanding of what is considered acceptable behavior.

To determine the purpose of a Code of Conduct, you can analyze its content and consider its overall objectives. Typically, the purpose of a Code of Conduct includes:
1. Governing behaviors and practices: A Code of Conduct provides guidelines for how individuals should conduct themselves in various situations, both within and outside the organization. It defines expectations for ethical behavior, professionalism, and respect for others.
2. Governing decision-making: A Code of Conduct may include principles or values that individuals should consider when making decisions or facing ethical dilemmas. It helps individuals align their actions with the organization's values and make ethically sound choices.
3. Governing values and principles: A Code of Conduct often reflects the core values and principles of an organization. It serves as a guiding document that promotes the organization's mission, vision, and values, ensuring that employees understand and uphold them.
4. Governing private/public relationships: A Code of Conduct may address how individuals should interact with various stakeholders, such as clients, customers, suppliers, or the general public. It sets expectations for maintaining trust, respecting confidentiality, avoiding conflicts of interest, and upholding the organization's reputation.

By understanding these key aspects and considering the context in which the Code of Conduct is used, you can determine its purpose in governing behaviors, decision-making, values, and private/public relationships.