What is 1:600,000 – 1:2,000,000 on a map?(1 point) Responses

a map title a map title
a map coordinate
the map scale
the map legend

the map scale

The expression "1:600,000 – 1:2,000,000" represents the map scale on a map.

The answer to the question "What is 1:600,000 – 1:2,000,000 on a map?" is the map scale. The map scale represents the relationship between distances on the map and corresponding distances on the ground. In this case, the scale indicates that one unit of measurement on the map represents a smaller distance compared to the other unit of measurement. The first number, 1:600,000, means that one unit on the map corresponds to 600,000 units in the real world. The second number, 1:2,000,000, means that one unit on the map corresponds to 2,000,000 units in the real world. So, the difference in scale between the two numbers indicates a change in the level of detail or zoom level on the map.