Topic: The Vietnam War and its impact on American trust in government institutions

Which text structure is best suited to the topic?


problem and solution


cause and effect

compare and contrast

The text structure that is best suited to the topic of the Vietnam War and its impact on American trust in government institutions is cause and effect. This structure is most suitable because it allows for an exploration of how the war directly influenced the erosion of trust in government institutions among the American public. It can examine the various factors and events that led to a decline in trust, as well as the consequences that emerged as a result. The cause and effect structure allows for a thorough analysis of the relationship between the Vietnam War and its impact on American trust in government institutions.

The most suitable text structure for the topic "The Vietnam War and its impact on American trust in government institutions" would be cause and effect. This structure allows for an exploration of the causes of the Vietnam War and how it directly led to a decrease in American trust in government institutions. It allows for an examination of the various factors that contributed to the erosion of trust and the consequences that resulted from those causes.

The best text structure that is suited to the topic of the Vietnam War and its impact on American trust in government institutions is cause and effect.


The cause and effect text structure is best suited to explain how the Vietnam War had a direct impact on the trust that the American people had in their government institutions. This structure helps in outlining the causal relationship between the war and the subsequent effect on trust. It allows for a clear explanation of how the events unfolded, linking the causes directly to the effects.

In this case, the causes could include factors like the government's handling of the war, the draft system, and the discrepancies in reporting the progress of the war. These causes ultimately led to the effect of a decline in trust in government institutions. The structure allows for a step-by-step explanation of these causes and their respective effects, leading to a comprehensive understanding of the topic.

While other text structures, such as sequential or compare and contrast, may offer some insights into the topic, they may not fully capture the cause-and-effect relationship and the impact it had on American trust in government institutions. Therefore, cause and effect is the most appropriate text structure for this specific topic.