Which detail does the author leave uncertain in the passage?

(1 point)

the direction in which the narrator is heading

the age of the man the narrator is talking to

the subject of the conversation the narrator overhears

the city where the narrator lives

the city where the narrator lives

The detail that the author leaves uncertain in the passage is the city where the narrator lives.

To determine which detail the author leaves uncertain in the passage, a close reading of the text is needed. Look for instances where the author provides limited or incomplete information.

In this case, the passage mentions a number of details, including the narrator's direction, the age of the man the narrator talks to, the subject of the conversation overheard, and the city where the narrator lives.

To find which detail is uncertain, you need to identify which of these details is not fully revealed or specified in the passage.

For example, the passage might describe the direction the narrator is heading as "north," giving a clear indication. Or it might make a direct reference to the age of the man, such as "the older man" or "the young boy." Similarly, it might explicitly state the subject of the conversation or provide clear context.

However, if the passage does not provide explicit information about any of these details, then that would be the detail that the author leaves uncertain in the passage. In this case, it is the city where the narrator lives.

To make sure, it is important to read the passage carefully, paying attention to any hints or cues that might provide further information or clarify any uncertainties.