In the passage the path: one miles walk through the universe

Part A
Which statement best describes the author's attitude toward the migration of the monarch butterflies?

• 1. The author is thrilled to be studying the migration.
• 2. The author is awed by the interesting facts about the migration.
• 3. The author is concerned about survival rates during the migration.
• 4. The author is frustrated that there is so little research about the migration.

Part B
How is the author's attitude primarily conveyed in paragraph 3?

•1. By lists of stages in procedures
• 2. by a series of marveling questions
• 3. by an explanation of scientific studies
• 4. by an account of a personal experience

2. by a series of marveling questions

To answer Part A, we need to analyze the passage's text and determine the author's attitude toward the migration of monarch butterflies. To do this, we must look for clues or evidence in the passage that reveal the author's perspective.

To find these clues, you can start by reading the passage carefully. Look for statements or descriptions that reveal the author's feelings or opinions about the migration. It may also be helpful to pay attention to any descriptive language or tone used by the author that could indicate their attitude.

Once you have identified potential clues, compare them to the given options to determine which statement best describes the author's attitude toward the migration of monarch butterflies. In this case, the options are:

1. The author is thrilled to be studying the migration.
2. The author is awed by the interesting facts about the migration.
3. The author is concerned about survival rates during the migration.
4. The author is frustrated that there is so little research about the migration.

Considering the passage's content and any identified clues or evidence, you will need to select the option that aligns best with the author's attitude.

For Part B, we need to focus on paragraph 3 to determine how the author's attitude is primarily conveyed. Read through paragraph 3 carefully, paying attention to the author's tone, language, and overall message. Look for patterns or elements that consistently appear throughout the paragraph.

Once you have identified these patterns or elements, compare them to the given options to determine which one accurately represents how the author's attitude is primarily conveyed in paragraph 3. The options are:

1. By lists of stages in procedures.
2. By a series of marveling questions.
3. By an explanation of scientific studies.
4. By an account of a personal experience.

Choose the option that aligns best with the overall tone and content of the paragraph, based on the identified patterns or elements.

To determine the author's attitude toward the migration of the monarch butterflies, we need to analyze the passage further.

In Part A, the following options are given:

1. The author is thrilled to be studying the migration.
2. The author is awed by the interesting facts about the migration.
3. The author is concerned about survival rates during the migration.
4. The author is frustrated that there is so little research about the migration.

As we do not have the complete passage, it is difficult to determine the author's exact attitude. However, based on the limited information provided, option 2 seems to be the most likely. The author is described as being "awed" by the interesting facts about the migration.

Moving on to Part B, the options are as follows:

1. By lists of stages in procedures.
2. By a series of marveling questions.
3. By an explanation of scientific studies.
4. By an account of a personal experience.

Again, without the complete passage, it is challenging to make a definitive choice. However, option 2 seems to be the most appropriate. The author's attitude is primarily conveyed through a series of marveling questions, indicating a sense of wonder or amazement.

Please note that these answers are speculative and could change with the complete passage.