What is the function of the excratory system?(1 point)


This system is responsible for taking in oxygen and removing carbon dioxide.
This system is responsible for taking in oxygen and removing carbon dioxide.

This system is responsible for transporting blood throughout the body.
This system is responsible for transporting blood throughout the body.

This system is responsible for digestion.
This system is responsible for digestion.

This system is responsible for removing waste in the body.

This system is responsible for removing waste in the body.

Which organ is responsible for absorbing nutrients needed by the body?(1 point)



Large intestine
Large intestine


Small intestine

Small intestine

When you get home, you smell cookies baking. You respond by walking toward the kitchen. Many signals move through your nervous system in this process. Which component is involved first? (1 point)


axons in your motor neurons
axons in your motor neurons

dendrites in your motor neurons
dendrites in your motor neurons

axons in your sensory neurons
axons in your sensory neurons

dendrites in your sensory neurons

Dendrites in your sensory neurons

What part of a nerve cell, a neuron, is responsible for receiving messages from other neurons?(1 point)



spinal cord
spinal cord


Cell body


Which of the following observations could you make based on stimuli to your thermoreceptors?(1 point)


The ice cream is sweet.
The ice cream is sweet.

The ice cream is white.
The ice cream is white.

The ice cream is cold.
The ice cream is cold.

The ice cream is heavy.

The ice cream is cold.

A girl has her eyes shut and is standing inside a brightly lit room. What happens to her pupils when she opens her eyes? Why?(1 point)


Her pupils shrink because the muscles relax.
Her pupils shrink because the muscles relax.

Her pupils grow because the muscles contract.
Her pupils grow because the muscles contract.

Her pupils shrink because the muscles contract.
Her pupils shrink because the muscles contract.

Her pupils grow because the muscles relax.