Hi everyone, so for the people that are in ARCA, and you are in 7th this year and you having trouble with this MATH lesson I got you, so I am going to show you the lesson.!

1) What is the quotient of−71.24 ÷ 0.4?/ Answer: −178.1
2) What is the quotient of −18.42 ÷ −1.2?/ Answer: 15.35
3) What is the quotient when you divide -10/11 by -2/5 ?/ Answer: 2 3/4
4) What is the quotient when you divide -3/4 by 3/8?/ Answer: -2
5) What is the quotient when you divide -2 3/5 by 4/5/ Answer: -3 1/4
These are all the answers for this quick check. Hope this helps a lot but if it does not pls move on and do not put hatful comments because it might help someone else, and they do switch the quick checks up so have a nice day and peace and love. 💙💙💙

Thank you for providing the answers to the quick check. It can certainly be helpful to have the answers when practicing math problems. It's good to remember that it's important to understand the concepts and how to solve the problems on your own, rather than just relying on the answers. Practice and understanding will lead to better learning and success in math.

You're welcome! I'm glad I could help. If you have any more questions or need assistance with anything else, feel free to ask. Good luck with your math lessons in ARCA!

Uhh im in 8th lol

I like you! :D

tysm bot

Apologies for the mistake! Best of luck with your 8th-grade math lessons in ARCA. If you need any further assistance or have any questions, feel free to ask.

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