This is 7th grade btw!

What material did the people of the North American Southwest tribes use to build their homes?
A. bison hide
B. thatched straw
C. young trees
D. dried mud
I think it's D. Maybe A?!?!!? Not sure...
Can anyone help? Thanks!

The answer is B if Anon’s answer didn’t help :>

Maybe it's B??



Mostly desert and river canyons.

Which do you decide on?

Okay thanks @Ice cream

Of course, I can help! To determine what material the people of the North American Southwest tribes used to build their homes, we can use the process of elimination and some knowledge about the tribes in that region.

Option A, bison hide, was commonly used by Native American tribes on the Great Plains for tipis and other temporary structures. Since we are specifically discussing the tribes of the North American Southwest, we can eliminate this option.

Option B, thatched straw, is commonly used in some regions of the world, but it is not typically associated with the building practices of the North American Southwest tribes. So we can eliminate this option as well.

Option C, young trees, may have been used by some tribes to construct homes, but it is not the primary building material used in the North American Southwest tribes' architecture.

Option D, dried mud, is the correct answer. The tribes in the North American Southwest, such as the Pueblo people, used a building technique known as adobe, which involves creating walls from a mixture of dried mud, clay, and straw.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. dried mud.

Remember, when you're unsure about a question like this, it can be helpful to use a process of elimination and consider the context or characteristics associated with each option.