Which of the following characteristics allowed southern Mesopotamia to become the cradle of civilization?

Farmers developed technology for irrigation.
Farmers developed technology for irrigation.

Nomads developed aggressive herding techniques.
Nomads developed aggressive herding techniques.

Engineers developed ways of extracting usable fresh water from the salt water.
Engineers developed ways of extracting usable fresh water from the salt water.

Tribes built deep wells and extensive cooling structures for crops.
Tribes built deep wells and extensive cooling structures for crops.

The correct answer is: Farmers developed technology for irrigation.

The characteristic that allowed southern Mesopotamia to become the cradle of civilization is farmers developing technology for irrigation.

The characteristic that allowed southern Mesopotamia to become the cradle of civilization is: Farmers developed technology for irrigation.

Explanation: In ancient Mesopotamia, the southern region was known as Sumer. This region became the cradle of civilization due to various factors, one of which was the development of irrigation technology by farmers.

The region of Sumer consisted of fertile land between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. However, these rivers flooded frequently and the surrounding land could become arid and dry. To overcome this challenge, the farmers in Sumer developed systems of irrigation. They constructed canals, levees, and dams to control the flow of water, redirect it to their fields, and distribute it evenly to their crops.

By developing irrigation techniques, the farmers of Mesopotamia were able to sustain consistent agricultural production throughout the year. This led to surplus food production, which freed up some individuals to pursue other professions and activities, leading to the growth of urban settlements and the development of civilization.

Therefore, it was the development of technology for irrigation by farmers that allowed southern Mesopotamia to become the cradle of civilization.