which ancient civilization is often referred to ask the "cradle of civilization" due to its contributions to city building, farmin, and writing?

a. aztec
b. mayan
c. sumerian
d. babylonian

c. sumerian

what geographical region is known as "mesopatamia" and is considered the birthplace of several ancient civilizations

a. north amaerica
b. central america
c. middle east
d. southern america

c. middle east

which ancient civilization developed the concept of monothism and introduced the beleif in one god

a. eygyptianions
b. sumerians
c. abbylonians
d. hebrews

d. hebrews

What type of government is characterized by being run from a central location, often led by single ruler or king?

a. Decentralized government
b. polytheistic government
c. centralized government
d. religious government

c. centralized government

which ancient civilization is associated with the creation of the " code of hammurabi," a set of laws regulting trade and family matters

d. babylonian

what ancient people used papyrus, made from fibers of papyrus plant, for writing and record keeping