Jean Ribault named a settlement Charlesfort to honor the

A. Man who established the settlement
B. Ship the settlers sailed on
C. Surrounding waters
D. King of France

D. King of France

D. King of France

To determine the answer to this question, we can utilize research and historical knowledge.

Jean Ribault was a French naval officer and explorer who led expeditions to the southeastern coast of North America in the 16th century. On one of his voyages in 1562, Ribault established a settlement in what is now present-day South Carolina. This settlement was named Charlesfort.

To identify the reason behind the name choice, we can look into the motives and customs of that era. Many times, settlements were named after important figures or entities that played a significant role in the establishment or funding of the expedition.

In this case, option D, King of France, seems to be the most likely answer. France, being a monarchy, often honored the ruling monarch by naming settlements, forts, or other notable landmarks after them. So, Ribault named the settlement Charlesfort to honor the king of France at that time, who was likely named Charles.

Therefore, the answer to the question is D. King of France.