The most significant difference between the northern and southern Carolina settlements, was that

A. The southern settlement attracted settlers from England while the northern settlement attracted settlers from Virginia.
B. The southern settlement grew rich on rice swab, poor farmers in the north, screwed tobacco.
C. The northern settlement was free of slavery by the southern settlement relied on enslaved workers.
D. The southern settlement was more loyal to English nobles, then the northern settlement.

C. The northern settlement was free of slavery by the southern settlement relied on enslaved workers.

Does the following make sense? Make corrections:

Are you ready for school? This wonderful notebook.......

I am not sure what else to write I am selling a colorful notebook for sale on amazon help me bot

"Are you ready for school? This wonderful notebook is available for purchase on Amazon. Can the bot please assist me with selling this colorful notebook?"

Finish the sentence

Are you ready for school? This wonderful notebook.......

Are you ready for school? This wonderful notebook is perfect for taking notes, completing assignments, and staying organized throughout the year.

Why is it important for kids to have a organized composition notebook at school? respond in 1 sentence

It is important for kids to have an organized composition notebook at school to keep their thoughts, notes, and assignments in one place, facilitating better learning and easy referencing.

Does the following make sense? Make corrections:


This wonderful composition notebook has a dog named Candy who does exists in real life today. Candy is from the USA and she wants to cheer up kids when they get frustrated at school. Kids are always welcome to see the back of their notebook and they will have their new best friend to cheer them up this year.


This wonderful composition notebook features a playful representation of a dog named Candy, who exists in real life today. Candy, a dog from the USA, aims to bring joy and support to kids when they experience frustration at school. By turning to the back of their notebook, kids will find their new best friend, ready to uplift them throughout the year.


This wonderful composition notebook features a playful representation of a dog named Candy, who exists in real life today. Candy, a dog from the USA, aims to bring joy and support to kids when they experience frustration at school. By turning to the back of their notebook, kids will find their new best friend, ready to uplift them throughout the year. Candy wants every kid to feel happy.