Please write or type the definitions of each word below.


Context clue -

Figure of speech -

Tone -

Analyze -

Context clue - A word, phrase, or sentence that provides hints or information about the meaning of an unfamiliar word or phrase, enabling readers to infer its meaning based on the surrounding context.

Figure of speech - A word or phrase that is used in a non-literal way to create a particular effect, often to make language more impactful, expressive, or imaginative. It adds variety and depth to writing or speech by using words in creative or unexpected ways.

Tone - The attitude or approach that a writer or speaker takes towards their subject matter, audience, or the overall theme of their work. It can be expressed through word choice, sentence structure, and overall style, and can convey emotions such as anger, humor, sarcasm, seriousness, or excitement.

Analyze - To examine something in detail to understand its structure, components, or meaning. In the context of reading, it involves closely examining a text to identify and interpret its parts, themes, and literary devices, and to draw meaningful conclusions or interpretations from the evidence presented.

Context clue - A context clue is a piece of information or a hint that can be found within a text to help decipher the meaning of a word or phrase that may be unfamiliar or ambiguous. It provides additional context to understand the intended meaning.

Figure of speech - A figure of speech is a phrase or expression that uses words in a non-literal way to create a specific effect or impact. It adds depth and artistic value to the language used, often by employing exaggeration, comparison, or symbolism.

Tone - Tone refers to the attitude or emotion conveyed by the author or speaker in a piece of writing or speech. It reflects the writer's perspective and sets the overall mood or atmosphere of the work.

Analyze - Analyze means to examine or study something in detail to gain a deeper understanding and identify its components, patterns, relationships, and underlying meanings. It often involves breaking down the subject into smaller parts, investigating its characteristics or properties, and making connections or interpretations based on evidence or reasoning.