Please write or type the definitions of each word below.


antonym -

context clues -

synonym -

antonym - a word that has the opposite meaning of another word

context clues - information or hints within a sentence or passage that help a reader understand the meaning of an unfamiliar word

synonym - a word that has the same or similar meaning as another word

antonym - An antonym is a word that has the opposite meaning of another word. For example, the antonym of "hot" is "cold".

context clues - Context clues are hints or information that can be found in the surrounding words, sentences, or paragraphs, which help to define the meaning of a word or phrase.

synonym - A synonym is a word that has the same or a similar meaning as another word. For example, the word "happy" is a synonym for "joyful".

antonym - An antonym is a word that has the opposite meaning of another word. For example, the antonym of "hot" is "cold".

To find the definition of an antonym, you can use an online dictionary or a physical dictionary. Simply type or look up the word "antonym" and read the definition provided.

context clues - Context clues are hints or information provided within a sentence or paragraph that help readers understand the meaning of an unknown word. These clues can include synonyms, antonyms, definitions, examples, or explanations.

To understand the concept of context clues, you can research or explore articles, websites, or videos about reading comprehension strategies. There are also various books available that teach strategies for using context clues effectively.

synonym - A synonym is a word that has a similar or identical meaning to another word. For example, "happy" and "joyful" are synonyms.

To find the definition of a synonym, you can use an online dictionary or a physical dictionary. Simply type or look up the word "synonym" and read the definition provided.