What quirks can beat one for all?


While there is no definitive answer as to what specific quirks can definitively beat One For All, there are several quirks that could potentially pose a challenge to it. Here are a few examples:

1. Erasure: A quirk like Erasure, possessed by characters such as Shota Aizawa from My Hero Academia, has the power to nullify another person's quirk temporarily. By erasing the quirk of someone using One For All, it can effectively neutralize its power and level the playing field.

2. Warp: A quirk that allows the user to warp or teleport, such as Kurogiri's Warp Gate, could potentially be a challenge for One For All. By constantly teleporting around the battlefield, it becomes difficult for the user of One For All to land a successful attack.

3. Time Manipulation: A quirk that grants control over time, like Eri's Rewind or Overhaul's Overhaul, has the potential to counter One For All. By manipulating time, one could potentially rewind a user of One For All to a previous state, reducing their power or even nullifying it altogether.

4. Mind Control: A quirk that grants control over others' minds, like Shinso's Brainwashing, could be used to manipulate the user of One For All, preventing them from effectively using their quirk or even turning them against their allies.

It's important to note that these are just hypothetical examples and the outcome of any battle between quirks would depend on various factors, such as the skill of the users, their strategies, and the specific rules of the world in which they exist.

In the My Hero Academia series, "One For All" is a powerful quirk that grants the user immense strength and agility. While there isn't any specific quirk that can directly counter or beat "One For All," there are some quirks that could potentially be advantageous in a battle against a user of "One For All." Here are a few quirks that may have a chance against "One For All":

1. Steel: With a quirk that allows the user's body to transform into steel or have steel-like properties, it could provide a significant defense against the user of "One For All" by being highly resistant to physical attacks. This defensive strength could potentially neutralize the power of "One For All" to some extent.

2. Permeation: The "Permeation" quirk, possessed by Mirio Togata, allows the user to phase through solid objects. This ability could potentially give them an advantage against a user of "One For All" by evading their attacks and striking from unexpected angles.

3. Overhaul: The "Overhaul" quirk, possessed by Kai Chisaki, grants the user the power to disassemble and reassemble matter at will. While directly countering the raw power of "One For All" may be challenging, the ability to deconstruct and interrupt the movements of the user of "One For All" could create openings for a counterattack.

4. Decay: The "Decay" quirk, possessed by Tomura Shigaraki, allows the user to disintegrate anything they touch with all five fingers. While it might not directly counter the energy-based attacks of "One For All," this quirk could potentially be effective if the user can find an opening to touch the person using "One For All" and disintegrate their body part or immobilize them.

It's important to note that battle outcomes in My Hero Academia often depend on various factors such as strategy, experience, teamwork, and other factors beyond just quirks.