Identify a significant idea from the Scientific Revolution.(1 point)

One significant idea from the Scientific Revolution is the concept of empiricism, which emphasizes the importance of observation and experimentation in acquiring knowledge.

Identify a significant idea from the Scientific Revolution.(1 point)

Newton’s laws of motion: The forces acting on an object change how it moves, or doesn’t move.

round Earth theory: Earth is not flat.

geocentric model: Earth stays still as celestial objects orbit around it.

circle orbit theory: All the planets in the solar system have a perfectly round orbit around the sun.

One significant idea from the Scientific Revolution is the concept of heliocentrism, which proposed that the Sun is the center of the universe and that the Earth and other planets orbit around it.

Explain the impact of scientific ideas on Europe.

One significant idea from the Scientific Revolution is the concept of empirical evidence.

One significant idea from the Scientific Revolution is the concept of heliocentrism, which is the idea that the sun is at the center of our solar system, and the planets, including Earth, revolve around it. This revolutionary idea was proposed by Nicolaus Copernicus in the 16th century and challenged the prevailing belief in a geocentric model with Earth at the center. Heliocentrism was later expanded upon and confirmed by Galileo Galilei and Johannes Kepler, among others, through their observations and mathematical calculations.

To identify this significant idea from the Scientific Revolution, one can start by studying the works of the scientists mentioned above, focusing on their writings and observations related to the motion of celestial bodies. The books "On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres" by Copernicus, "Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems" by Galileo, and "Astronomia Nova" by Kepler are some key sources to explore. Reading these primary sources will provide insights into the development and impact of the heliocentric idea during the Scientific Revolution. One can also refer to scholarly articles, textbooks, and online resources that discuss the Scientific Revolution and its key ideas.