Convert .121212... into a fully simplified fraction. (1 point)

Let x = 0.121212...

Then, 100x = 12.121212...

Subtracting the two equations, 100x - x = 12.121212... - 0.121212...

Simplifying, 99x = 12

Dividing both sides by 99, x = 12/99

Therefore, the fully simplified fraction is 12/99.

Convert .121212... into a fully simplified fraction. (1 point)


12 over 100

3 over 25

4 over 33


The correct answer is 3/25.

Convert 0.5555... to a fraction(1 point)


55 over 100

5 tenths

1 half

5 ninths

The correct answer is 5/9.

Evaluate: 8×8−6×2

To evaluate 8 × 8 - 6 × 2, we first perform the multiplications:

8 × 8 = 64
6 × 2 = 12

Next, we subtract the result of the second multiplication from the result of the first multiplication:

64 - 12 = 52

Therefore, the value of the expression is 52.

Evaluate: −4/2^2−(7−4)

To evaluate -4/2^2 - (7 - 4), we begin by working within the parentheses:

7 - 4 = 3

Now, we follow the order of operations and evaluate the exponent:

2^2 = 4

Next, we substitute the results back into the expression:

-4/4 - 3

Finally, we perform the division and subtraction:

-1 - 3 = -4

Therefore, the value of the expression is -4.

To convert the recurring decimal .121212... into a fraction, we can use the concept of geometric series. Let's denote the decimal as x: x = .121212...

To get rid of the repeating part, we multiply both sides of the equation by 100, 1000, or a power of 10 that eliminates all the decimal places after the repeating part. In this case, let's multiply by 100 to eliminate the two decimal places after the repeating "12": 100x = 12.121212...

Next, we subtract the original equation from the equation obtained after multiplying: 100x - x = 12.121212... - .121212...

Simplifying the equation gives us: 99x = 12

Dividing both sides by 99, we have: x = 12/99

Since both 12 and 99 can be divided by 3, we simplify the fraction further: x = 4/33

Therefore, the fully simplified fraction for .121212... is 4/33.