Simplify 300−−−√.(1 point)


5 start root 12 end root

100 start root 3 end root

This radical expression is already fully simplified.
This radical expression is already fully simplified.


10 start root 3 end root

To simplify √300, we first need to find the prime factors of 300.

300 can be written as 2 × 2 × 3 × 5 × 5.

Now, let's group the prime factors in pairs. We have two pairs of 2 and one pair of 5. We can take one number from each pair outside the square root.

Therefore, √300 can be simplified as 2 × 5 × √3.

So the simplified form of √300 is 10√3.

To simplify the expression 300-√3, we need to find the square root of 3 first.

One way to find the square root of 3 is by using a calculator.

You can enter the number 3 into a calculator and then press the square root (√) button to get the approximate value of 1.732.

So, 300-√3 becomes 300 - 1.732.

Subtracting 1.732 from 300 gives us the simplified expression 298.268.