Which phases does water go through if you use distillation to separate it from dissolved sugar?(1 point)


from a liquid to a solid, and then to a gas
from a liquid to a solid, and then to a gas

from a liquid to a solid, and back to a liquid
from a liquid to a solid, and back to a liquid

from a solid to a liquid, and then to a gas
from a solid to a liquid, and then to a gas

from a liquid to a gas, and back to a liquid
from a liquid to a gas, and back to a liquid

from a liquid to a gas

Which option would save the most natural resources while providing water for a person?(1 point)


using a reusable water bottle and drinking filtered tap water
using a reusable water bottle and drinking filtered tap water

using disposable plastic containers once each
using disposable plastic containers once each

drinking bottled water that comes from 100% natural sources
drinking bottled water that comes from 100% natural sources

reusing plastic water bottles several times and always recycling them

using a reusable water bottle and drinking filtered tap water

In one to two sentences, explain a similarity and a difference between the particles in liquid water at 100ºC and the particles in steam at 100ºC.(2 points)

A similarity between the particles in liquid water at 100ºC and steam at 100ºC is that both consist of water molecules. However, a difference is that the particles in liquid water have more closely packed and less energized molecules compared to the particles in steam which have more spaced out and highly energized molecules.

The correct response is:

from a liquid to a gas, and back to a liquid

The correct answer is:

from a liquid to a gas


Distillation is a process used to separate mixtures based on differences in boiling points. In this case, if we use distillation to separate water from dissolved sugar, the water will undergo two phases:

1. Liquid phase: The mixture of water and dissolved sugar is heated, causing the water to vaporize. As water has a lower boiling point than sugar, it will evaporate while the sugar remains in the liquid phase.

2. Gas phase: The water vapor rises and is collected in a condenser, where it is cooled and condenses back into a liquid. This liquid water is now separated from the dissolved sugar.

So, the water goes from a liquid phase to a gas phase during distillation to separate it from dissolved sugar.