To separate a mixture of paper clips and sand, Joe should use(1 point) Responses wind separation wind separation distillation distillation decanting decanting magnetic separation

magnetic separation

To separate a mixture of paper clips and sand, Joe should use magnetic separation.

Magnetic separation is a method that uses magnets to separate magnetic materials from non-magnetic materials. In this case, paper clips are made of metal and are magnetic, while sand is not magnetic. By using a magnet, Joe can attract and remove the paper clips from the mixture, leaving behind the sand.

To separate a mixture of paper clips and sand, Joe should use magnetic separation.

Explanation: Magnetic separation is a technique used for separating magnetic substances from non-magnetic substances in a mixture. In this case, since paper clips are made of metal and are magnetic, they can be easily separated from the sand using a magnet. By placing a magnet near the mixture, the paper clips will be attracted to the magnet while the sand remains unaffected. This allows Joe to separate the paper clips from the sand effectively.