Lake profondo has a depth of 84 feet. Lake Segundo is 5/6 as deep. What is the elevation at the bottom of Lake segundo

To find the depth of Lake Segundo, we multiply the depth of Lake Profondo by 5/6:

Depth of Lake Segundo = Depth of Lake Profondo * 5/6 = 84 feet * 5/6 = 70 feet

Since the depth of Lake Segundo is the elevation at the bottom, the elevation at the bottom of Lake Segundo is 70 feet.


To determine the depth of Lake Segundo, we can calculate it by finding 5/6 of the depth of Lake Profondo.

1. Begin by finding 5/6 of 84 (the depth of Lake Profondo):
5/6 * 84 = (5 * 84) / 6 = 420 / 6 = 70 feet

Therefore, the depth of Lake Segundo is 70 feet.

To determine the elevation at the bottom of Lake Segundo, we need to subtract the depth from the surface elevation:

2. If we assume that the surface elevation is 0 feet, then the elevation at the bottom of Lake Segundo would be:
0 feet - 70 feet = -70 feet

Hence, the elevation at the bottom of Lake Segundo is -70 feet.

To find the elevation at the bottom of Lake Segundo, we need to calculate 5/6 of the depth of Lake Profondo.

First, let's calculate the depth of Lake Segundo by multiplying the depth of Lake Profondo by 5/6:
Depth of Lake Segundo = Depth of Lake Profondo * 5/6

Depth of Lake Segundo = 84 feet * (5/6)

To solve this, convert the mixed fraction 5/6 into an improper fraction:
Depth of Lake Segundo = 84 feet * (5/6)
Depth of Lake Segundo = (84 feet * 5) / 6
Depth of Lake Segundo = 420 feet / 6
Depth of Lake Segundo = 70 feet

The depth of Lake Segundo is 70 feet. Since the depth of a lake is typically measured from the surface to the bottom, we can assume that the elevation at the bottom of Lake Segundo is 70 feet below the surface.