Sarah received a score of 850 on the SAT and has signed up for a test prep class to help her improve her score. The test prep company claims that each class she attends will increase her score by 10 points..

Part A: Assuming the test prep company's claim is correct, define each variable and write an expression to represent Sarah's SAT score after she attends any given number of classes.

Let x represent the number of classes Sarah attends.

The expression to represent Sarah's SAT score after attending any given number of classes would be: 850 + 10x.


Let x represent the number of classes Sarah attends.

The expression to represent Sarah's SAT score after she attends any given number of classes will be: 850 + 10x.

Let's define the variables:

- Initial SAT score: S (850 in this case)
- Number of test prep classes attended: C
- Increase in SAT score per class: I (10 points in this case)

Now, we can write the expression to represent Sarah's SAT score afters attending any given number of classes:

Sarah's SAT score = S + (C * I)
Sarah's SAT score = 850 + (C * 10)