Sarah scored 850 points on her SAT and signed up for a class to improve her score. the test prep company's claims that each class she attends will increase her score by 10 points. write an expression to represent Sarah's SAT score after she attends any given number of classes.

Let n represent the number of classes Sarah attends.

The expression to represent Sarah's SAT score after she attends any given number of classes is:

850 + 10n

To represent Sarah's SAT score after attending any given number of classes, we can use the expression:

850 + 10x

where x represents the number of classes she attends.

To represent Sarah's SAT score after she attends any given number of classes, you can use the following expression:

Score after attending "n" classes = 850 + 10n

In this expression, "n" represents the number of classes Sarah attends, and 10n represents the increase in her score for each class attended. By adding this increase for each class attended to her initial score of 850, we get the updated SAT score after attending "n" classes.