-366 as a mixed number

To convert -366 into a mixed number, we need to divide the absolute value of the number by its sign. Since -366 is negative, the mixed number will also be negative.

Dividing 366 by 366 gives us 1 as the whole number part. The remainder is 0. So, the mixed number is:

-366 = -1 + 0/366

Therefore, -366 as a mixed number is -1.

To convert the number -366 into a mixed number, follow these steps:

Step 1: Divide the absolute value of the number (-366) by the denominator of the fraction to get the whole number part.
-366 ÷ 1 = -366

Step 2: Take the remainder and write it as the numerator of the fraction.
Remainder = 0

Step 3: Write the denominator of the fraction.
Denominator = 1

Therefore, the mixed number representation of -366 is:
-366 = -366/1