Add: 12(x+4)+14(4x−2) . Answer should be in mixed number form


To simplify the expression, we use the distributive property:

12(x + 4) + 14(4x - 2)

= 12*x + 12*4 + 14*4x - 14*2

= 12x + 48 + 56x - 28

= (12x + 56x) + (48 - 28)

= 68x + 20

Thus, the answer in mixed number form is 68x + 20.

A mixed number bruh. a fraction mixed number dummy

Apologies for the confusion. Let's convert the answer to a mixed number.

The expression 68x + 20 can be written as a mixed number by dividing the coefficient of x (68) by the denominator (1) and representing the remainder (20) as the fraction's numerator. So, the expression in mixed number form is:

68x + 20 = 68x + 20/1

20/1 simply

Apologies for the misunderstanding.

The expression 68x + 20 can be expressed as a mixed number by dividing the numerator (20) by the denominator (1).

20 divided by 1 equals 20.

Therefore, the expression 68x + 20 in mixed number form is:

20/1 or simply 20.

To simplify the expression, start by using the distributive property:

12(x + 4) + 14(4x - 2)
= 12*x + 12*4 + 14*4x - 14*2

Evaluate each multiplication:

= 12x + 48 + 56x - 28

Combine like terms:

= 12x + 56x + 48 - 28
= 68x + 48 - 28
= 68x + 20

Now, we express the result in mixed number form. Since the expression doesn't have any fractions or whole numbers, we can represent it as a mixed number. In this case, it would simply be:

68x + 20

To add the given expression 12(x+4)+14(4x−2), we can start by simplifying the expressions within the parentheses.

For the first term inside the parentheses, x+4, we simply carry it over as is.

For the second term inside the parentheses, 4x−2, we can distribute the 14 to both terms:

14 * 4x = 56x
14 * -2 = -28

Simplifying further, we have:

12(x+4) + 14(4x−2)
= 12x + 48 + 56x - 28
= (12x + 56x) + (48 - 28)
= 68x + 20

Now, to convert the answer to mixed number form, we divide the coefficient (68) by the constant term (20).

Dividing 68 by 20 gives us a quotient of 3 and a remainder of 8. This is equivalent to the mixed number form 3 and 8/20.

Therefore, the answer to the expression 12(x+4)+14(4x−2) in mixed number form is 3 and 8/20.