Content and Language Integrated Learning is ............................... learning.

Content and Language Integrated Learning is an approach to education that combines the teaching of subject-based content with the learning of a second or foreign language. It involves the integration of language learning and subject learning, with the aim of developing both language proficiency and content knowledge simultaneously. This methodology allows students to engage with academic or content-based subjects in a language that is not their first language, promoting the acquisition of both language skills and subject-specific knowledge. Through this approach, students are able to improve their language proficiency while also gaining a deeper understanding of subject matter.

Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is an approach to learning and teaching where a second or foreign language is used as a medium for delivering subject content. In CLIL, students learn both the subject content and the language simultaneously, which means that they develop their language skills while also learning about a specific topic or discipline. This method integrates content and language instruction into one cohesive learning experience. The primary goal of CLIL is to enable students to learn subject matter and language skills in an integrated manner, promoting both academic and linguistic development.