use long division to convert five 3/16 to a decimal

To convert 5 3/16 to a decimal using long division, you can follow these steps:

1. Write 5 as the whole number. Set it aside for now.
2. Write 3 as the numerator inside the division symbol, and 16 as the denominator outside the division symbol. This sets up the division as follows:
16 | 3
3. Divide 3 by 16. Since 16 does not divide evenly into 3, there will be a remainder. Perform the division as follows:
16 | 3.000
- 0
- 16
4. Bring down the 0 from the previous step, and add it to the remainder (14), giving you 140 as the new dividend.
5. Divide 140 by 16:
16 | 3.000
- 0
- 16
- 128
6. Continue dividing until you reach the desired level of decimal places or the remainder becomes zero. In this case, we want to convert to a decimal, so we can stop when the decimals repeat or when we have the desired accuracy.
16 | 3.000
- 0
- 16
- 128
- 112
- 80

The remainder has reached zero, which means the division is complete. The quotient is 3.1875.

Therefore, 5 3/16 is equal to 5.1875 as a decimal.

To convert the mixed number 5 3/16 to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:

Step 1: Write the mixed number as an improper fraction.
To convert the mixed number to an improper fraction, multiply the whole number (5) by the denominator (16) and add it to the numerator (3). Write the result over the original denominator.
The improper fraction equivalent of 5 3/16 is (5 * 16 + 3)/16 = 83/16.

Step 2: Perform long division.
Set up the long division problem with 83 as the dividend and 16 as the divisor.

16 | 83

Step 3: Divide and obtain the decimal quotient.
Divide 83 by 16, and write the quotient above the line. The quotient is the decimal representation of the fraction.
In this case, 83 divided by 16 is equal to 5.1875.

Therefore, 5 3/16 is equal to 5.1875 as a decimal.