use long division convert 7/11 to a decimal

To convert 7/11 to a decimal, we can use long division. Here are the steps:

1) Write 7 as the dividend and 11 as the divisor.
2) Divide the first digit of the dividend (7) by the divisor (11). The result is 0. Remainder is 7.
3) Bring down the next digit of the dividend (0).
4) Divide 70 (the new dividend) by the divisor (11). The result is 6. Remainder is 4.
5) Bring down the next digit of the dividend (0).
6) Divide 40 (the new dividend) by the divisor (11). The result is 3. Remainder is 7.
7) Continue bringing down zeros and repeating steps 4 and 6 until either the remainder becomes 0 or you achieve desired accuracy.

After performing long division, we see that 7/11 is equal to the decimal 0.636363...(repeating).

To convert 7/11 to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:

1. Write down 7 as the dividend (the number being divided) and 11 as the divisor (the number dividing the dividend).

2. Divide the first digit of the dividend (which is 7) by the divisor (11). The result is 0 with a remainder of 7.

11| 7

3. Bring down the next digit of the dividend, which is 0. Write it next to the remainder.

11| 7

4. Divide the new dividend (70) by the divisor (11). The result is 6 with no remainder.

11| 70

5. Bring down the next digit of the dividend, which is 0. Write it next to the remainder.

11| 70

6. Divide the new dividend (40) by the divisor (11). The result is 3 with a remainder of 7.

11| 700
- 66

7. Bring down the next digit of the dividend, which is 0. Write it next to the remainder.

11| 700
- 66

8. Divide the new dividend (400) by the divisor (11). The result is 36 with a remainder of 4.

11| 7000
- 66
- 33

9. Bring down the next digit of the dividend, which is 0. Write it next to the remainder.

11| 7000
- 66
- 33
- 66

10. Continue this process until you obtain the desired level of decimal places or until the division terminates.

Therefore, 7/11 as a decimal is approximately 0.636363... (the 6-digit pattern repeats).