Resting metabolic rate (RMR) can be affected by_______.

Daily values

Physical activity level

Muscle mass
Body composition
Hormonal factors
Illness or medical conditions

Resting metabolic rate (RMR) can be affected by the following factors:

1. Age: RMR tends to decrease with age, as muscle mass decreases and body fat increases. This means that as you get older, your RMR may decrease, making it harder to maintain or lose weight.

2. Daily activities: RMR can be influenced by the level of physical activity you engage in on a daily basis. Regular exercise and an active lifestyle can increase RMR, as it requires more energy to fuel your movements.

3. Body composition: RMR is influenced by the amount of lean muscle mass you have. Muscle tissue is more metabolically active than fat tissue, so individuals with higher muscle mass tend to have a higher RMR.

4. Appetite and hunger: While appetite and hunger do not directly affect RMR, they can indirectly impact it by influencing food intake. If you consistently consume more calories than your body needs, it can lead to weight gain and potentially a higher RMR. However, if your appetite is suppressed or you experience prolonged hunger, it can cause a decrease in RMR as a way for the body to conserve energy.