Which of the following is a landform that is created when a river empties its water and sediment into another, large body of water at its end?(1 point)

a kettle lake
a kettle lake

a delta
a delta

a cirque
a cirque

a floodplain

b Plateaus are raised-elevation platforms of land. Plains are landforms that exist at low elevation—they are broad, flat areas with relatively smooth topography.

b A mountain is a landform that rises at least 1,000 feet above the surrounding land, has steep slopes, round or sharp ridges, and a peak.

d a cirque

b Wind creates barrier islands.

c a delta

c a delta

a delta

The correct answer is a delta. A delta is a landform that is created when a river empties its water and sediment into another, large body of water at its end.

The correct answer is a delta. A delta is a landform that is created when a river empties its water and sediment into another large body of water, usually a lake, sea, or ocean. Deltas are typically triangular or fan-shaped and are formed as the river's velocity decreases upon reaching the larger body of water, causing the sediment it carries to be deposited. To arrive at this answer, you can eliminate the other options as they are not created by the process of a river emptying into a larger body of water. A kettle lake, for example, is formed by a block of ice left behind by a retreating glacier. A cirque is a hollow, amphitheater-like valley formed by glacial erosion. A floodplain, on the other hand, is a flat area alongside a river that is subject to periodic flooding.