Identify which landform is created by a glacier.(1 point

A: Cave
B: V shaped valley
C: A cirque
D: A barrier island

C: A cirque

C: A cirque

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interior South America


interior Asia
interior Asia

To identify which landform is created by a glacier, we need to understand how glaciers shape the Earth's surface. Glaciers are massive bodies of ice that slowly move over time, eroding and altering the landscape as they advance.

Among the options given, the landform created by a glacier is a cirque (Option C). A cirque is a deep, amphitheater-shaped hollow found at the head of a valley within a mountainous region. It is typically characterized by steep rock walls and a basin-shaped floor that is often filled with a small lake known as a tarn. These features result from glacial erosion, which occurs as the ice carves out the landscape, removing rocks and sediment along its path.

To determine the correct answer, we could rule out options A, B, and D based on their characteristics. A cave (Option A) is formed by various geological processes, such as erosion by water, not specifically by a glacier. A V-shaped valley (Option B) is typically formed by a river or stream, rather than a glacier. A barrier island (Option D) is created by ocean currents and sediment deposition, unrelated to glacier activities.

Therefore, the correct answer is C: A cirque.