How do countries seek to increase economic development? (1 point)

• invest in education and fund capital projects
• decrease capital goods and increase tariffs
• restrict tariffs and reduce education
• decrease education and increase tariffs

Invest in education and fund capital projects

Countries seek to increase economic development by investing in education and funding capital projects. This option involves two strategies that work together to boost economic growth.

1. Investing in Education: A well-educated workforce is crucial for economic development. Countries can invest in education by allocating resources to improve the quality of schools, provide better training programs, and support research and development. This helps to create a skilled and knowledgeable workforce capable of driving innovation, attracting investments, and increasing productivity.

2. Funding Capital Projects: Capital projects refer to investments made in infrastructure development, such as building roads, highways, ports, airports, and other facilities that support economic activities. These projects not only enhance transportation and logistics but also attract domestic and foreign investments, facilitate trade, and stimulate economic growth.

By combining investment in education and capital projects, countries can create an environment that fosters economic development, innovation, and long-term growth.

Therefore, the correct answer is: invest in education and fund capital projects.

The correct answer is:

• Invest in education and fund capital projects

Countries seek to increase economic development by investing in education and funding capital projects. This is because education can lead to a skilled and productive workforce, while capital projects, such as building infrastructure, can attract investment, create jobs, and stimulate economic growth.