How do countries seek to increase economic development?

decrease education and increase tariffs

invest in education and fund capital projects

decrease capital goods and increase tariffs

restrict tariffs and reduce education


To determine how countries seek to increase economic development, we can analyze the answer choices provided.

A. Decrease education and increase tariffs: This approach would actually hinder economic development rather than promote it. Education is crucial in fostering innovation, skilled labor, and entrepreneurship, which are key drivers of economic growth. Additionally, increasing tariffs can hinder international trade and limit a country's access to new markets and resources.

B. Invest in education and fund capital projects: This option aligns more closely with the strategies countries often use to increase economic development. Investing in education helps develop a skilled workforce and encourages innovation and productivity. Funding capital projects, such as infrastructure development and technology advancements, can stimulate economic growth by attracting investments, creating jobs, and improving overall economic efficiency.

C. Decrease capital goods and increase tariffs: Reducing capital goods would limit a country's ability to produce goods and services efficiently, thus inhibiting economic growth. Increasing tariffs, as mentioned before, can hinder international trade and limit economic expansion.

D. Restrict tariffs and reduce education: Restricting tariffs can promote international trade, which can lead to increased economic development. However, reducing education would limit a country's human capital and hinder its ability to innovate, adapt to change, and compete in a global economy.

Based on the analysis, option B - invest in education and fund capital projects - appears to be the most appropriate strategy for countries to enhance economic development.

it’s B

Kinda late lol