Explain the difference in meaning between |-3| and -3. In your explanation, be sure to include various key words you learned within this unit.(3 points)

The absolute value of |-3| represents the magnitude or distance of the number -3 from zero on the number line. It disregards the sign and always gives a positive result. The absolute value function is denoted by vertical bars or brackets surrounding the number -3. Thus, |-3| = 3.

On the other hand, -3 is a negative integer itself. The minus sign in front of 3 indicates that it is a negative value, which is three units less than zero on the number line.

In summary, the absolute value |-3| gives the distance of -3 from zero, while -3 represents the negative integer itself.

The absolute value of a number, denoted as ||x||, represents the distance between x and zero on a number line. It always gives a non-negative value as it ignores the sign of the number.

In the case of |-3|, the absolute value of -3 is equal to 3. Here, the absolute value is removing the negative sign to focus solely on the magnitude or distance from zero. So, |-3| = 3.

On the other hand, -3 is a negative integer. The negative sign indicates that the number is less than zero. It represents a negative value on a number line. Therefore, -3 is a specific value that is less than zero.

To summarize, the difference in meaning between |-3| and -3 is that the absolute value (|-3|) focuses on the distance or magnitude of -3, completely ignoring the negative sign, while -3 represents a specific negative value.