Explain the difference between figurative meaning and literal meaning. Then, give an example of each.(2 points)

Figurative meaning refers to the use of words or phrases in a non-literal sense, often to create vivid imagery or convey abstract concepts. Literal meaning, on the other hand, is the straightforward, dictionary definition of a word or phrase.

Example of figurative meaning: "She's a shining star." - This phrase is not meant to be taken literally, as it suggests that someone is outstanding or excellent in a metaphorical sense.

Example of literal meaning: "It's raining cats and dogs." - This phrase means that it is raining heavily, without any figurative or metaphorical element.

The difference between figurative meaning and literal meaning lies in the way language is used. Literal meaning refers to the straightforward, denotative sense of a word or phrase, while figurative meaning involves the use of language in a non-literal or symbolic way.

A literal meaning is the exact, dictionary definition of a word or phrase. It is understood in a straightforward manner, without any figurative or hidden implications. For example, the literal meaning of the phrase "It's raining cats and dogs" would be that there is heavy rainfall.

On the other hand, figurative meaning goes beyond the literal sense and conveys a symbolic message or comparison. It uses metaphors, similes, or other rhetorical devices to create a deeper understanding. For instance, in the figurative sense, the phrase "It's raining cats and dogs" could mean that it is raining very heavily, implying a strong downpour.

In summary, while literal meaning is the exact, straightforward definition of a word or phrase, figurative meaning involves the use of language to convey symbolic or metaphorical ideas.

The difference between figurative meaning and literal meaning lies in how words are understood and interpreted.

Literal meaning refers to the straightforward, direct interpretation of words, where the words are understood at their face value. It takes into account the actual words used in a sentence and what they mean in a conventional or dictionary sense. For example, if someone says, "I am hungry," the literal meaning would be that the person is experiencing the physical sensation of hunger.

Figurative meaning, on the other hand, involves using language in a non-literal or imaginative way to create a deeper or more expressive meaning. It relies on the use of figures of speech, such as similes, metaphors, idioms, or personification, to convey a specific intention or idea. For instance, if someone says, "She's the apple of my eye," the figurative meaning is that the person holds a deep affection or love for the other person, rather than literally referring to an apple or an eye.

In summary, literal meaning refers to the straightforward, dictionary definition of words, while figurative meaning involves using language creatively to convey a deeper or more expressive message.