How is the sign of caution determines the sign of quotient is the same as the larger number the quotient is positive if the signs of the divisor and dividend are like the sign of question is the same as a smaller number the question is negative if signs of the divisor and dividend are like

The sign of caution refers to the concept of considering the signs of the divisor and dividend in order to determine the sign of the quotient in a division operation. Here are the guidelines:

1. If the signs of the divisor and dividend are the same (both positive or both negative), then the quotient is positive.

Example: (+4) ÷ (+2) = +2, or (-6) ÷ (-3) = +2

2. If the signs of the divisor and dividend are different (one positive and one negative), then the quotient is negative.

Example: (-8) ÷ (+4) = -2, or (+10) ÷ (-5) = -2

It's important to note that the term "sign of question" you mentioned may have been a typo and should be "sign of quotient," which is what determines whether the quotient is positive or negative. Also, the terms "larger number" and "smaller number" that you mentioned are not directly related to the sign of the quotient but rather refer to the magnitude of the numbers involved in the division.

To determine the sign of the quotient, follow these steps:

Step 1: Compare the signs of the divisor and dividend.
- If the signs of the divisor and dividend are the same (both positive or both negative), the quotient will be positive.
- If the signs of the divisor and dividend are different (one positive and one negative), the quotient will be negative.

Step 2: Compare the magnitudes of the divisor and dividend.
- If the larger number is the dividend, the quotient will have the same sign as the larger number.
- If the smaller number is the dividend, the quotient will have the opposite sign of the larger number.

Here's a breakdown of the possible scenarios:

1. Divisor and dividend have the same sign:
- If the dividend has a larger magnitude, the quotient is positive.
- If the divisor has a larger magnitude, the quotient is negative.

2. Divisor and dividend have different signs:
- If the dividend has a larger magnitude, the quotient is negative.
- If the divisor has a larger magnitude, the quotient is positive.