A person who engages in healthy habits and minimizes health risks will likely increase his or her

(1 point)

risk factors.
risk factors.

action plan.
action plan.

health continuum.
health continuum.

life expectancy.

The the answer is Life Expectancy

life expectancy.

The correct answer is "life expectancy." A person who engages in healthy habits and minimizes health risks is likely to increase their life expectancy.

To determine the correct answer, let's break down the question and analyze the options.

The question states that a person who engages in healthy habits and minimizes health risks will likely increase his or her:

1. Risk factors: Risk factors refer to conditions or behaviors that increase the likelihood of developing a particular disease or condition. Engaging in healthy habits and minimizing health risks would not lead to an increase in risk factors. Therefore, this option is incorrect.

2. Action plan: An action plan is a set of specific steps or strategies that an individual takes to achieve a goal. While engaging in healthy habits and minimizing health risks may involve having an action plan, it does not directly lead to an increase in an action plan. Thus, this option is incorrect.

3. Health continuum: A health continuum represents a spectrum of health, from optimal well-being to illness or disease. Engaging in healthy habits and minimizing health risks generally contribute to higher levels of well-being and move an individual towards the healthier end of the continuum. Therefore, this option is a likely correct answer.

4. Life expectancy: Life expectancy refers to the average number of years a person is expected to live based on current mortality rates. Healthy habits and minimizing health risks have been linked to increased life expectancy. Therefore, this option is also a likely correct answer.

Based on the analysis, the two possible correct answers are "health continuum" and "life expectancy."