How – to books make a 0.3 of the books in the school library of these how – to books 0.2 deal with carpentry

And 0.4 deal with electronics.
0.3 X 0.4= 0.12
Interpret what the answer 0.12 represents in this equation above.

The portion of how to books are there either carpentry or electronics
The portion of books in the library that are how to books
The portion of books in the library, or how to books on carpentry
The portion of books in the library that are how to books on electronics

Multiply and divide rational numbers quick check

The answer 0.12 represents the portion of books in the library that are how to books on both carpentry and electronics.

Sara discarded 110 of the apples she picked as defective. Of the apples remaining, 300 were made into cider. The rest were sold as fresh fruit. What fraction of the total apples picked were sold as fresh fruit?(1 point)


How-to books make up 0.3 of the books in the school library. Of these how-to books, 0.2 deal with carpentry and 0.4 deal with electronics.

Interpret what the answer 0.12 represents in this equation above.

(1 point)

The portion of books in the library that are how-to books on carpentry
The portion of books in the library that are how-to books on carpentry

The portion of books in the library that are how-to books on electronics
The portion of books in the library that are how-to books on electronics

The portion of books in the library that are how-to books
The portion of books in the library that are how-to books

The portion of how-to books that are either carpentry or electronics

The answer 0.12 represents the portion of books in the school library that are both "how-to" books on carpentry and electronics.

The answer 0.12 represents the portion of books in the library that are both "how-to" books on carpentry and electronics. The equation was obtained by multiplying 0.3 (the portion of books that are "how-to" books) by 0.4 (the portion of "how-to" books that deal with electronics), resulting in 0.12. This means that out of all the books in the library, 0.12 (or 12%) of them are both "how-to" books and specifically deal with both carpentry and electronics.